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Inner Divine

Coaching for Childless Women

A somatic grief coaching experience for healing, recover, and moving forward.

Client Reviews

Client reviews

"I looked forward to our weekly meetings. I know I wouldn't have maintained my motivation without them. They truly empowered me to reach my goal. I know without her strategies, guidance and accountability I received from Christel I never would have made progress I did towards reaching my goal. And I can use what I learned for Life."


Meet Chistel

Meet Christel

Infertility Grief Coach

I’ve lived a lifelong passion for helping people have better lives. â€‹


I spent the first part of my career counseling disabled people to find their way to jobs and careers through training and development. After a recent layoff, I realized that I wanted to devote my counseling practice to helping women gain their confidence back due to health problems because of stress, anxiety, trauma, weight gain, life, and mobility. This is where I think it is invaluable adding wellness practices to our daily routines.

Mission Statement


Society tells women that the natural progression for life is to have children. That this is the only way you will be happy, find joy, and be fulfilled. When you made the decision to start a family, you were not expecting to encounter any hiccups. When pregnancy wasn’t occurring naturally, you turned to medical assistance, such as infertility treatments. However, those results didn’t produce the happiness you were wanting. When those dreams are crushed, you are left with a grieving, broken heart. I know how you feel. I have walked in your shoes. I have felt this same emptiness, and sadness, and grieved for the losses of the firsts that will never occur. Understanding where you are coming from, I will be able to help you navigate your grief to find healing and peace with your decision to not have children, and help you move forward with a fulfilling life without children. There is a big, beautiful world out there and you deserve to explore it with a new definition of family for you.  

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